15 & 16
OCT 2024

15 & 16
OCT 2024

Lawrence Pelletier: Speaking at the Hospitality Tech Expo

Lawrence Pelletier

Redcat Hospitality Technology

Mending the Fractured Tech Stack

Has your tech stack been created piece by piece, like Frankenstein? These bits of glued-together tech often stifle access to your complete data set, prevent you from managing menus in one place, and fail to offer loyalty at each of your consumer touchpoints.

Has your tech stack been created piece by piece, like Frankenstein? These bits of glued-together tech often stifle access to your complete data set, prevent you from managing menus in one place, and fail to offer loyalty at each of your consumer touchpoints.

If the answer is yes, come see Lawrence Pelletier showcase a real world example and explain the Fractured Tech Stack, how it develops, how it affects your business, and how to mend it.

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